Sledges, brawls, and epic contests: inside the Tamil Nadu – Karnataka rivalry

Sledges, brawls, and epic contests: inside the Tamil Nadu – Karnataka rivalrySledges, brawls, and epic contests: inside the Tamil Nadu – Karnataka rivalry


We are thrilled to be joined by two former India cricketers – Hemang Badani and Vijay Bharadwaj. Hemang and Vijay enjoyed stupendous domestic careers and took part in some of the most memorable Tamil Nadu – Karnataka contests in the Ranji Trophy. There was no shortage of banter and competition

Cricket as a novelty, an obsession, and as literature: interview with Samanth Subramanian

Cricket as a novelty, an obsession, and as literature: interview with Samanth SubramanianCricket as a novelty, an obsession, and as literature: interview with Samanth Subramanian


In this episode, we chat with journalist and author (and once full-time cricket journalist) Samanth Subramanian. A long-time cricket fan who began his career as a sub-editor at Cricinfo, Samanth rewinds to the time he fell in love with the game – in the mid-1990s – and gives us a